Insight Into Woodworking Classes
If you are interested in being contacted about this series of classes please use the Contact Us page.

Each year, Siskiyou Woodcraft Guild members offer a series of about a dozen classes to provide an introductory level of information for beginning and intermediate woodworkers. Instructors lecture and demonstrate basic woodworking tools and techniques. While this is not a hands-on class, it is an excellent opportunity to interact with professional woodworkers, see their shops, setups, works-in-progress, and learn the tricks of the trade. The Insight program is also a great way to meet fellow local woodworkers for association and guidance.
The Insight Into Woodworking series is offered to everyone for $150 per person. SWG members can take individual classes for $15 each. Non-members can take individual classes for $20 each. Please contact the coordinator and register before attending a solo session. A ‘hardship’, 2nd person in the same family, or a youth discount can be requested and would be determined by our coordinator.
To register, download and print the SWG Insight Class Registration 2025 form, fill it out, and mail it in with your deposit.
Here’s the 2025 Insight Classes schedule. Detailed location information is provided to registered students.
Here is a sampling of the classes that were offered in previous years:
- Introduction to wood shops & measuring. This session will cover basic shop setup. It will also provide you an opportunity to meet the instructors, review class schedule and voice your needs.
- Introduction to Table Saw Usage and Basic Table Saw Tune-up.
- Small shop hand tool use and restoration. Covers basic hand tool use and maintenance.
- Scraper and band saw utilization. Scraper use and demonstration of how to resaw wood and cut curves safely using a band saw.
- Cabinet Construction.. This session will provide an overview of cabinet making and the use of the table saw.
- Routers, shapers and their jigs. Provides an overview and use of routers and shapers and jigs that make them safe and efficient.
- Architectural wood carving, mold making and folk style whittling. Provides an overview of carving tools and techniques using hand tools.
- JIgs and Fixtures. Covers building and using jigs, fixtures and templates for accuracy and repetition.
- Tool sharpening, tool modification. Provides you with a greater understanding of methods to sharpen plane irons and chisels and how to modify tools for special applications.
- Shop Safety. Considerations for being safe in the shop and keeping all 10 of those amazing fingers.
- Wood Turning. An overview of turning and turning tools in making round objects. Wet woodturning techniques will be demonstrated
- History of finishing materials. Provides an overview of finishes and finishing techniques.